My daughter and I stopped along the way there, we stoppped in Poccatello, and visited the zoo, we took pictures of the animals from the park next door.
There were tons of large rocks in that park. One was so big it was amazing to me, we took pictures of us sitting on them. It was so nice there in Idaho still lots of room to breath fresh air and just open land I really loved it.
Our next stop was Blackfoot, Idaho. There we ran past a large statue of a baked potato, including sour cream and butter, we had to have a picture of that too.
On to Groveland, this is where our reunion was. We set up our tents at the Groveland baseball park, had dinner and then we told stories about our ancestors, then finally to sleep Yeah!!!!!!
On to Groveland, this is where our reunion was. We set up our tents at the Groveland baseball park, had dinner and then we told stories about our ancestors, then finally to sleep Yeah!!!!!!
Saturday was a great day to visit, and learn about our heritage. I learned about the herbs that my great grandmother used to heal and take care of her family across the plains with, certain plants that can be used for foods and vitamins. My great grandmother wanted to go to school very bad, when she went to the school house as the teacher rounded up the children, the teacher asked her "what religion are you?" she replied "mormon" the teacher said "we don't allow mormons in this school" but that didn't stop her from learning to read. She took pictures she had from a New Testament that she carried around in her pocket, and she would match it to the stories that the missionaries taught her. From there she would try to decode the story one word at a time. She also listened to the men talking in the inn where she worked, when they would leave, she would gather the newspapers they had left behind, and search for the words they ahd spoken. There is so much more to this story, and it has made such a difference in me, knowing that she never gave up. That she found the success that was hers.